NoFluffSec Weekly

Issue #1

Welcome to the very first edition of NoFluffSecurity, the industry’s only newsletter focused on eliminating unnecessary fluff from security reporting!

The obligatory bland and factual summary aside, we will always give you our unfiltered take and what we consider to be the actual takeaway from any story. Whether you make use of that information to keep your services and users secure will be up to you. You already knew that anyway.

Enjoy this week’s read and until the next one.

This Week’s Stories

SQL Injection Vulnerability Allows Bypassing Airport Security Checks

A recent discovery by security researchers Ian Carroll and Sam Curry revealed a critical vulnerability in the FlyCASS system, a third-party service used by some airlines to manage the TSA's Known Crewmember (KCM) program and the Cockpit Access Security System (CASS). This vulnerability, a SQL injection flaw, allowed unauthorized individuals to bypass airport security screenings and gain access to aircraft cockpits by exploiting the system used for verifying airline employees.

The researchers demonstrated that by manipulating the login page of FlyCASS, they could add unauthorized users to the KCM and CASS systems, effectively granting them the ability to bypass standard security checks and access restricted areas, including airplane cockpits. Upon discovering the flaw, the researchers responsibly disclosed the issue to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), which led to the temporary disconnection of FlyCASS from the KCM/CASS systems. However, the disclosure process was met with challenges, as the TSA initially downplayed the severity of the vulnerability.

#SQLInjection #AirportSecurity

CISO Takeaways

This incident highlights significant concerns in third-party risk management and the importance of maintaining stringent security protocols, especially for systems linked to critical infrastructure. Key takeaways for CISOs include:

  • Enhance Third-Party Risk Management: Organizations must rigorously vet third-party service providers, especially those handling sensitive or critical data. This includes performing regular security audits, enforcing compliance with industry standards, and ensuring that third-party systems undergo thorough penetration testing.

  • Implement Comprehensive Incident Response Plans: Develop and maintain robust incident response protocols that include coordination with third parties and government agencies. This incident underscores the importance of having a clear communication strategy and an escalation process to manage vulnerabilities discovered in third-party systems effectively.

  • Promote Secure Development Practices: Encourage all partners and vendors to adhere to secure coding practices, including protecting against common vulnerabilities such as SQL injection. CISOs should advocate for the adoption of a "Secure by Design" approach across the entire supply chain.

Security Engineer Thoughts

For security engineers, this incident provides a case study on the importance of diligent security practices and the need for constant vigilance:

  • Regularly Audit and Test Web Applications: Conduct frequent security assessments, including SQL injection testing, on all web applications, particularly those handling sensitive or critical functions. Automated tools like sqlmap can be used to identify and exploit vulnerabilities before they can be used maliciously.

  • Enforce Input Validation: Implement strict input validation on all forms and login pages to prevent SQL injection and other types of attacks. Ensure that all user inputs are sanitized and validated before being processed by the database.

  • Improve Monitoring and Alerting Systems: Set up comprehensive monitoring to detect unusual activities, such as unauthorized access attempts or changes to critical databases. Prompt alerts can help in taking swift action before vulnerabilities can be exploited on a larger scale.


Microsoft Copilot: From Prompt Injection to Exfiltration of Personal Information

Security researchers have uncovered a critical vulnerability in Microsoft 365 Copilot that exposed sensitive user data through a sophisticated attack chain involving prompt injection and ASCII smuggling. The vulnerability, which has since been patched, allowed attackers to manipulate Copilot's responses by embedding malicious prompts within documents or emails. These prompts could then instruct Copilot to search for additional sensitive information, which was exfiltrated through invisible ASCII characters embedded in hyperlinks.

This attack chain exploited several features of the AI-powered assistant, beginning with a prompt injection that triggers Copilot to perform unauthorized searches, followed by the use of a novel ASCII smuggling technique to hide malicious code within the interface. The attack culminated in data exfiltration when users interacted with the seemingly benign links, leading to the compromise of personal data such as emails and multi-factor authentication (MFA) codes.

Microsoft has addressed the vulnerability, but the incident highlights the evolving risks associated with integrating AI tools like Copilot into everyday workflows.

#PromptInjection #DataExfiltration #GenAI

CISO Takeaways

This incident underscores the need for CISOs to be proactive in addressing the emerging risks posed by AI and large language models (LLMs). Key strategic takeaways include:

  • Prioritize AI Risk Management: Develop and implement a comprehensive risk management strategy specifically for AI-enabled tools like Microsoft Copilot. This should include rigorous testing for prompt injection vulnerabilities and other AI-specific attack vectors before deploying such tools in production environments.

  • Strengthen Data Loss Prevention (DLP) Measures: Implement advanced DLP solutions that can detect and prevent unauthorized data exfiltration, especially through non-traditional channels such as AI-generated content. This includes monitoring for subtle anomalies in communications and file-sharing platforms where Copilot operates.

  • Continuous User Education: Regularly update employees on the latest phishing and AI-based attack techniques. Ensuring that staff are aware of the risks associated with interacting with AI-generated content can help mitigate the likelihood of successful exploitation.

Security Engineer Thoughts

For security engineers, this vulnerability provides a clear example of the complexity and sophistication of modern attack techniques:

  • Implement AI-Specific Security Controls: Ensure that AI systems like Copilot are integrated with security controls that can detect and mitigate prompt injection attacks and other AI-specific vulnerabilities. This may involve working closely with vendors to understand and apply patches as soon as they are available.

  • Conduct Regular Security Audits: Perform frequent security audits on AI tools, especially those that handle sensitive data. Testing for vulnerabilities such as prompt injections and ensuring that AI tools are not being manipulated to exfiltrate data should be part of standard security protocols.

  • Advanced Threat Detection: Deploy advanced threat detection systems that leverage machine learning to identify and respond to unusual patterns of behavior within AI tools. These systems should be capable of analyzing content across multiple communication channels to detect hidden malicious payloads.


The Hunt for ALBeast: Unveiling a Critical AWS ALB Vulnerability

In August 2024, security researchers from Miggo revealed a critical configuration-based vulnerability, dubbed "ALBeast," affecting applications using AWS's Application Load Balancer (ALB) authentication feature. ALBeast allows attackers to forge JWT tokens by exploiting misconfigurations in ALB-authenticated applications. This could lead to unauthorized access and bypass of both authentication and authorization mechanisms in potentially thousands of applications worldwide.

The vulnerability arises when applications fail to properly verify the JWT issuer (iss) and signer fields during authentication, a common oversight in many applications that integrate with AWS ALB. By leveraging ALBeast, attackers can manipulate the ALB to sign JWT tokens with a controlled issuer, thereby gaining unauthorized access to vulnerable applications.

AWS responded by updating their documentation and emphasizing the importance of proper JWT verification and ALB configuration. However, the issue underscores broader concerns about the shared responsibility model in cloud security, where customers are expected to secure their configurations but may lack the necessary expertise or awareness.

#CloudSecurity #AWS

CISO Takeaways

This incident highlights the importance of proactive security management in cloud environments. For CISOs, the key takeaways are:

  • Enhance Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM): Implement comprehensive CSPM tools that continuously monitor and audit cloud configurations, particularly for services like AWS ALB. These tools can help identify misconfigurations that could lead to vulnerabilities like ALBeast.

  • Strengthen DevSecOps Practices: Ensure that development teams are integrating security checks into the CI/CD pipeline, specifically focusing on proper JWT validation and secure ALB configurations. Regular security training and automated code reviews can help mitigate such risks.

  • Review and Update Incident Response Plans: Given the potential impact of vulnerabilities like ALBeast, it's crucial to have robust incident response plans that can quickly address misconfigurations in cloud environments. Ensure your team is prepared to act swiftly if similar vulnerabilities are discovered.

Security Engineer Thoughts

For security engineers, dealing with ALBeast requires a deep understanding of cloud security and application architecture:

  • Validate JWTs Rigorously: Implement strict checks for JWT tokens in all applications, ensuring that both the issuer and signer fields are correctly validated against trusted sources. This should be a standard practice for all applications using ALB authentication.

  • Audit ALB Configurations: Regularly audit your ALB configurations to ensure they adhere to AWS's updated security recommendations. Focus on enforcing least privilege principles and restricting access to ALB-managed endpoints.

  • Deploy Runtime Security Monitoring: Utilize runtime security tools that can detect and respond to anomalies in application behavior. These tools can help identify potential exploitation attempts in real-time, providing an additional layer of defense against vulnerabilities like ALBeast.


The Risks Lurking in Publicly Exposed GenAI Development Services

Recent research highlights alarming security risks associated with publicly exposed Generative AI (GenAI) development services, particularly those utilizing vector databases and low-code/no-code tools. These services, which are often used in AI model development and deployment, have been found to store sensitive information, such as private emails, customer data, and even financial records, without adequate protection. In several instances, servers were left publicly accessible with no authentication, exposing them to unauthorized access and potential data leaks.

Moreover, these systems are vulnerable to data poisoning attacks, where malicious actors can manipulate the underlying data that AI models rely on. This can lead to compromised AI outputs, such as incorrect or even dangerous recommendations, particularly in sensitive fields like healthcare. Additionally, some systems are susceptible to credential leakage, further exacerbating the risks by potentially exposing API keys and other sensitive information.

#GenAI #VectorDB #InfrastructureSecurity

CISO Takeaways

This research underscores the need for stringent security measures when dealing with GenAI services. Key strategic takeaways for CISOs include:

  • Implement Strict Access Controls: Ensure that all AI development services, particularly those involving sensitive data, are protected by strong authentication and authorization mechanisms. Public exposure of these services should be avoided unless absolutely necessary.

  • Conduct Regular Security Audits: Regularly audit the security configurations of AI development tools and associated databases. Ensure that any public-facing components are securely configured, with restricted access and monitored for unauthorized activity.

  • Enforce Data Protection Policies: Develop and enforce strict data protection policies that govern how sensitive data is handled within AI models. This includes ensuring that any data used in AI development is anonymized and that credentials are securely managed.

Security Engineer Thoughts

For security engineers, the focus should be on securing the technical aspects of GenAI development environments:

  • Harden Vector Databases: Secure vector databases by ensuring they are not publicly accessible and are protected by robust authentication. Regularly update the software to patch known vulnerabilities and prevent exploitation.

  • Monitor and Detect Data Poisoning: Implement monitoring solutions that can detect and respond to anomalies in the data used by AI models. This helps prevent data poisoning attacks that could compromise the integrity of AI outputs.

  • Secure Credentials and Secrets: Use secure vaults to store API keys and other sensitive credentials. Regularly rotate these secrets and ensure they are never hardcoded into application configurations.


Data breaches have become an increasingly pervasive threat in 2024, with a significant rise in both the frequency and cost of incidents. Recent reports indicate that 83% of organizations have experienced a material security breach, with over half occurring in the past year alone. Notably, the average cost of a data breach has surged to $4.88 million, representing the largest annual increase since the onset of the pandemic. This spike is driven by the growing complexity of IT environments, particularly hybrid cloud setups, which are proving difficult to secure effectively.

Human error continues to be the leading cause of breaches, with misconfigurations, failure to implement multi-factor authentication (MFA), and exploitation of known vulnerabilities topping the list. Alarmingly, only 13% of organizations are considered cyber mature, and one-third of breaches go undetected until adversaries make extortion demands. The persistence of ransomware remains a significant concern, with 94% of affected organizations experiencing downtime and 40% facing complete work stoppages.

CISO Takeaways

For CISOs, these trends underscore the need for a more integrated and strategic approach to cybersecurity. Key takeaways include:

  • Enhance Cloud Security Posture: As hybrid and multi-cloud environments become more prevalent, CISOs must prioritize cloud security posture management (CSPM) to detect and remediate misconfigurations swiftly. Given that 40% of breaches involve multi-environment data, focusing on cloud security is critical to reducing risk.

  • Invest in Advanced Threat Detection: With a significant portion of breaches going undetected, investing in advanced threat detection tools that leverage AI and machine learning can help identify anomalies and potential breaches before they escalate. This is particularly important in complex environments where traditional security solutions may struggle to keep up.

  • Promote Cyber Maturity: Given that only a small percentage of organizations are deemed cyber mature, CISOs should push for enhanced security training and awareness programs. This includes expanding the focus beyond IT teams to ensure that all employees understand their role in protecting sensitive data.

#DataBreaches #2024Trends

Security Engineer Thoughts

For security engineers, the focus should be on implementing robust technical controls and refining incident response protocols:

  • Implement Comprehensive Monitoring: Given the trend of undetected breaches, it's vital to deploy monitoring solutions that can track activities across hybrid cloud environments. Engineers should focus on setting up alerts for unusual access patterns and automating responses to common threats.

  • Regularly Audit Configurations: Regular audits of system configurations, particularly in cloud environments, are essential to identify and fix misconfigurations that could lead to breaches. Engineers should ensure that all systems are properly configured to enforce MFA and protect against known vulnerabilities.

  • Enhance Data Protection Mechanisms: Engineers should implement data loss prevention (DLP) tools that can monitor and control the movement of sensitive data, especially in environments with a high volume of data transfers across multiple platforms.


Stealthy Linux Malware 'sedexp' Exploits udev Rules for Persistence and Evasion

A newly discovered strain of Linux malware, dubbed "sedexp," has been actively evading detection since 2022 by exploiting the Linux udev system for persistence and stealth. The malware was uncovered by Stroz Friedberg, a division of Aon, and has been associated with financially motivated cybercriminals targeting Linux servers, primarily to deploy credit card skimmers and enable remote access via reverse shells.

What makes sedexp particularly dangerous is its use of udev rules, a system in the Linux kernel that manages device nodes, allowing it to execute malicious scripts whenever specific system events occur. The attackers leveraged this mechanism to persist on infected systems, ensuring the malware activates every time the system interacts with certain device files, like /dev/random. By abusing this critical system component, which is often overlooked by security tools, sedexp manages to evade traditional detection methods.

The malware also employs advanced obfuscation techniques, such as mimicking legitimate system processes and hiding its presence in memory, making it incredibly difficult to detect and remove. This combination of sophisticated persistence and stealth tactics underlines the evolving nature of threats targeting Linux environments.

#LinuxMalware #LinuxKernelSecurity

CISO Takeaways

For CISOs, the emergence of sedexp is a stark reminder of the need for a proactive and layered defense strategy, particularly when it comes to Linux-based infrastructures. Here are key strategic takeaways:

  • Strengthen Threat Detection Capabilities: Ensure that your organization’s threat detection tools are capable of identifying unconventional persistence mechanisms, such as those leveraging udev rules. Consider augmenting traditional antivirus solutions with behavioral monitoring and anomaly detection tools that can flag unusual activities at the kernel level.

  • Regular Security Audits and Penetration Testing: Direct your security teams to perform regular audits and penetration tests focused on kernel-level vulnerabilities and less common persistence mechanisms. These audits should include a thorough review of configuration files and system rules that might be manipulated by attackers.

  • Collaboration and Threat Intelligence: Encourage your teams to collaborate with industry peers and participate in threat intelligence sharing networks. The discovery of sedexp highlights the importance of staying informed about emerging threats and leveraging shared intelligence to preemptively defend against them.

Security Engineer Thoughts

For security engineers, dealing with a threat like sedexp involves a combination of proactive measures and advanced detection techniques:

  • Audit and Harden udev Rules: Perform a comprehensive audit of your Linux systems to identify any unusual udev rules that could be exploited by malware. Implement strict policies on how udev rules are created and monitored, and ensure that any unnecessary rules are removed or secured.

  • Enhanced Monitoring of System Processes: Given that sedexp mimics legitimate system processes, engineers should implement enhanced monitoring for process anomalies. Tools that can track process behavior and compare it to known baselines will be crucial in detecting such threats.

  • Memory Forensics and Incident Response: In the event of a suspected infection, utilize memory forensics tools to analyze volatile memory for hidden processes or injected code. Given sedexp's ability to evade detection through standard filesystem and process monitoring, memory forensics may be the only way to identify and analyze the malware's behavior.


Greasy Opal's Tools: A Threat to CAPTCHA-Dependent Services

Greasy Opal, a cybercrime-enabling business with over 16 years of experience, has developed sophisticated tools that automate CAPTCHA-solving, making it easier for cybercriminals to bypass security measures at scale. These tools have been linked to significant cybercrime activities, such as the creation of 750 million fake Microsoft accounts by the Vietnam-based threat actor group Storm-1152. Greasy Opal’s tools, leveraging advanced OCR technology and machine learning, pose a substantial threat to any service that relies on CAPTCHA for security, highlighting the need for robust defenses against automated attacks.

#CAPTCHA #CybercrimeTools

CISO Takeaways

For CISOs, the critical insight here is that even if your organization does not directly deploy CAPTCHA solutions, the services you consume—such as identity verification, third-party platforms, and cloud services—likely do. The security of your operations can be indirectly compromised if these services fall prey to tools like Greasy Opal. Key strategic takeaways include:

  • Evaluate Third-Party Security: Ensure that the third-party services your organization relies on have robust defenses against automated attacks. This includes inquiring about their use of CAPTCHA and other bot mitigation measures, and how they protect against sophisticated tools like those offered by Greasy Opal.

  • Incorporate Security in Vendor Contracts: When negotiating contracts with third-party vendors, include clauses that require them to maintain up-to-date security measures, including protection against automated attack tools. Regularly review their security posture as part of your ongoing vendor management processes.

  • Advocate for Industry Standards: Participate in or support initiatives that push for stronger industry standards around CAPTCHA and automated attack defenses. By influencing broader adoption of secure practices, you can help ensure that the services your organization depends on are better protected.

Security Engineer Thoughts

For security engineers, the focus should be on understanding the broader security landscape and ensuring that the services integrated into your organization’s infrastructure are not vulnerable to attacks facilitated by tools like Greasy Opal:

  • Assess the Security of Integrated Services: Regularly audit the third-party services your organization uses, paying special attention to those that rely on CAPTCHA for bot mitigation. Ensure that these services use advanced, AI-resistant CAPTCHA mechanisms and regularly update their defenses.

  • Monitor for Downstream Impacts: Implement monitoring solutions that can detect signs of compromised third-party services, such as unusual patterns of failed authentication attempts or sudden spikes in bot-driven traffic that may indicate a successful CAPTCHA bypass by an attacker.

  • Enhance Incident Response for Third-Party Risks: Include scenarios in your incident response plans that address potential compromises in third-party services, especially those that could result from automated attacks. This preparation can help your organization respond quickly to mitigate any downstream effects.


Unpatchable 0-Day in Surveillance Cameras Exploited to Install Mirai

A newly discovered zero-day vulnerability in AVTECH's AVM1203 surveillance cameras is being actively exploited to spread the infamous Mirai malware. This vulnerability, identified as CVE-2024-7029, allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code, turning these cameras into part of a botnet used for distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks. The flaw is particularly concerning because the affected cameras have reached their end-of-life (EoL) and will not receive any security updates, leaving them permanently vulnerable. The vulnerability, first observed in March 2024, exploits a weakness in the camera's brightness adjustment feature, allowing for command injection over the network. Despite the camera model being discontinued in 2019, many are still in operation, particularly in commercial and critical infrastructure environments, making this an ongoing and serious threat.

#0Day #IoTSecurity #MiraiBotnet

CISO Takeaways

For CISOs, this vulnerability highlights the critical need to manage and secure end-of-life (EoL) devices within your organization. Key strategic takeaways include:

  • Assess and Replace Legacy Devices: Conduct a thorough audit of all IoT and surveillance devices in your environment, particularly those that have reached EoL. Prioritize the replacement of these devices with supported models that receive regular security updates.

  • Strengthen Vendor Management: Establish stringent criteria for vendor selection that includes a commitment to long-term security support. Ensure that vendors provide a clear EoL policy and plan for the secure decommissioning of devices.

  • Enhance Incident Response Capabilities: Update your incident response plans to include specific procedures for dealing with vulnerabilities in unsupported devices. This should include steps for immediate isolation and risk mitigation, such as network segmentation.

Security Engineer Thoughts

For security engineers, the focus should be on the immediate technical actions required to mitigate this threat:

  • Isolate Vulnerable Devices: If replacing vulnerable devices is not immediately feasible, isolate them from critical network segments to minimize the potential impact of an exploit. Consider placing these devices behind a firewall with strict access controls.

  • Deploy Network Monitoring: Implement continuous network monitoring to detect unusual traffic patterns that may indicate an attempt to exploit this or similar vulnerabilities. Use intrusion detection systems (IDS) that can alert you to exploitation attempts in real-time.

  • Remove Default Credentials: Ensure that all IoT devices, including surveillance cameras, are not using default credentials, as these are often the first target in automated attacks like those involving Mirai.


All views and opinions expressed therein are solely the authors’ own and do not reflect those of any employers past or present.
NoFluffSec is a Bitsavant LLC publication