NoFluffSec Weekly

Issue #2

Welcome to another edition of NoFluffSecurity, the newsletter that cuts straight to the point—no hype, no fluff, just the cybersecurity insights you need. Whether you're a seasoned pro or new to the game, we’re here to help you stay ahead of threats and keep your clients, products, and services secure.

We don’t just serve up the facts; we dish out our unfiltered take on what’s happening in the industry. No sugar-coating, no scare tactics—just actionable advice that actually matters. What you do with it? That’s on you. But if you're here, you already know the stakes.

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This Week’s Stories

Sailors Installed Unauthorized Starlink on US Warship, Lied About It

On a US Navy warship, sailors secretly installed a Starlink satellite system, breaching operational security to gain unauthorized Wi-Fi access. Senior Chief Grisel Marrero led the scheme, purchasing the Starlink kit for personal use and managing the network under the name "STINKY." Despite multiple confrontations by ship officers, Marrero repeatedly denied the system's existence, renaming it and hiding its setup. The unauthorized device remained undetected until a civilian contractor stumbled upon it during an authorized Starshield installation.

NoFluff’s Take: The Real Breach Was That Of Trust Not Technology

The true breach here isn’t just operational security—it’s a failure of trust and internal control. The incident reveals just how willing some personnel are to circumvent rules for convenience. What’s more striking is the Navy’s slow response despite multiple red flags. This reflects broader issues in how organizations manage internal threats, especially when those involved are in leadership roles. Beyond the technical breach, the human element is the real weak link.

CISO Takeaways

  • Insider Threat Mitigation: This case highlights the importance of internal controls to prevent misuse of technology by authorized personnel. CISOs should lead efforts to strengthen monitoring and auditing of device installations, especially for critical infrastructure.

  • Review of Procurement Processes: Ensure procurement and equipment use are closely monitored. Implement automated tools that flag unauthorized purchases and network equipment configurations, preventing incidents like this before they escalate.

  • Security Culture: Develop a culture of responsibility and transparency across the organization. Situations like these thrive in environments where personnel feel emboldened to bypass rules without accountability. Regular training and strong leadership can help mitigate this.

Security Engineer Thoughts

  • Network Anomaly Detection: Engineers should focus on deploying tools that can detect unusual network activity or unauthorized devices. A robust monitoring system could have flagged the new Starlink setup quickly, allowing for earlier intervention.

  • Physical Security Audits: Periodic physical audits of sensitive spaces, especially areas housing critical systems, are essential. Combine these with cybersecurity audits to close any gaps between physical and digital security.

  • Zero Trust Implementation: In critical environments, adopt a Zero Trust approach that assumes no internal actor or system is inherently trusted. This includes strict access controls and verification for all devices and users, even those within the chain of command.


New Supply Chain Attack Targets PyPI with Revival Hijack

A newly observed supply chain attack, dubbed "Revival Hijack," has targeted the Python Package Index (PyPI), exploiting abandoned or neglected Python libraries. The attackers are using social engineering tactics and exploiting weak controls on ownership transfers to gain control of popular yet inactive libraries. Once in control, they inject malicious code into these packages, leading to the spread of malware when unsuspecting developers download and install them. This attack vector has impacted multiple widely-used packages, raising concerns about the broader software supply chain.

NoFluff's Take: The Growing Normalization of Supply Chain Attacks

While supply chain attacks are nothing new, the PyPI incidents highlight an uncomfortable truth: developers and organizations may be growing numb to the threat. The frequency of these attacks has skyrocketed, but real security improvements across repositories remain incremental at best. The complacency of not properly vetting third-party packages is dangerous. The industry must shift its mindset toward proactive governance and stricter practices for managing and scrutinizing third-party code. Otherwise, these threats will continue to escalate unchecked, with even more devastating results.

CISO Takeaways

  • Elevate Supply Chain Security Practices: CISOs should implement more rigorous auditing processes for third-party dependencies. Tools that automatically scan for malicious or compromised packages can help mitigate risks but should be supplemented with manual checks and community engagement to track vulnerable or abandoned projects.

  • Prepare Incident Response Playbooks: Given the persistence of supply chain threats, have a robust incident response plan in place to address potential compromises stemming from third-party dependencies. Swift containment and remediation processes are essential for minimizing damage when malicious code is injected via supply chains.

Security Engineer Thoughts

  • Enforce Dependency Pinning: One of the best ways to reduce exposure to malicious updates is to pin dependencies to specific versions. This limits the potential for new vulnerabilities or malicious code to be introduced via automatic updates of dependencies.

  • Integrate Supply Chain Security Tools: Tools like Snyk, Sonatype Nexus, or GitHub’s Dependabot should be integrated into CI/CD pipelines. These tools can help automate the detection of compromised packages and ensure that any vulnerable or tampered libraries are flagged before they reach production.


Man Arrested for Using AI to Create Fake Bands and Fraudulently Stream Music for $10 Million

Michael Smith, a North Carolina man, was arrested for orchestrating an AI-driven music fraud scheme that spanned seven years and netted him over $10 million in royalties. Using AI, Smith generated hundreds of thousands of songs, uploaded them to major streaming platforms like Spotify and Apple Music, and employed bot networks to stream his own music billions of times. This exploitation of the platforms' royalty systems allowed him to siphon significant payments meant for legitimate artists. Smith now faces charges of wire fraud and money laundering, which could lead to up to 20 years in prison for each count.

NoFluff's Take: The Fraud Nobody Wants to Stop

This case sheds light on an uncomfortable reality: while platforms like Spotify publicly condemn fraud, their business models thrive on engagement metrics that may include inflated numbers. Streaming services have a vested interest in appearing highly active, and cases like this show how easily these platforms can be manipulated. Despite the ethical and legal implications, there’s a growing sense that the industry is not doing enough to mitigate these risks. The question isn’t just whether fraud can be stopped—but whether the industry even wants it to be.

CISO Takeaways

  • Strengthen Fraud Detection Systems: CISOs should advocate for advanced machine learning systems that can detect abnormal traffic patterns and bot-driven activities. Proactive monitoring of engagement metrics and patterns is essential to prevent fraudulent schemes from taking root.

  • Promote Transparency in Vendor Platforms: Given the reliance on third-party platforms for distribution and services, demand transparency and regular audits of how these platforms detect and manage fraud. Ensure that security and anti-fraud mechanisms are continuously improved and adapted.

  • Support AI Governance: Implement governance frameworks around AI use, both internally and externally. As AI-generated content proliferates, organizations should monitor how it impacts not just internal workflows but also broader industry practices, especially those susceptible to fraud.

Security Engineer Thoughts

  • Deploy Bot Mitigation Tools: Engineers should focus on refining bot detection mechanisms using behavioral analytics. Automated traffic patterns that resemble bot behavior, such as identical streaming patterns across accounts, should trigger alerts for further investigation.

  • Enhance Anomaly Detection: Continuous monitoring and anomaly detection systems can flag suspicious activities, such as sudden spikes in streams or downloads. Engineers should deploy tools that integrate well with platforms to identify these patterns early on.

  • Audit Streaming Platforms Regularly: Regular audits of platforms where your organization or clients publish content can reveal vulnerabilities in how they detect fraudulent activity. Work closely with vendors to ensure your content is not indirectly exposed to fraud risks.


YubiKeys Vulnerable to Cloning Due to Newly Discovered Side-Channel Flaw

Security researchers recently uncovered a vulnerability in the YubiKey 5 series devices, exposing them to cloning attacks through a side-channel flaw in their Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA) implementation. This vulnerability allows attackers with physical access and specialized equipment to extract private keys from the device, potentially compromising the user’s account security. Although the attack requires advanced expertise and equipment, the risk to organizations distributing YubiKeys for secure authentication cannot be ignored.

NoFluff's Take: The Unseen Risk of Low-Probability Attacks

The prevailing notion that high-complexity attacks, like side-channel attacks requiring physical access, are too niche to worry about is increasingly misguided. As attack tools and knowledge become more accessible, the bar for executing complex attacks is lowering. Organizations relying on hardware tokens like YubiKeys should be wary of complacency and implement layered defenses, as attackers evolve beyond traditional phishing techniques.

CISO Takeaways

  1. Layered Security is Critical: While YubiKeys provide robust security as part of multi-factor authentication, they should always be used in conjunction with other factors, such as strong passwords or PINs, as intended. For higher-risk environments, consider adding adaptive authentication measures, such as location-based or risk-based checks, to further enhance security. The key is not to over-rely on any one method but to ensure all MFA components are strong and well-managed.

  2. Implement Key Rotation Policies: Organizations should implement policies for regularly rotating private keys, particularly after potential incidents involving physical access to devices. Regular rotation ensures that a compromised key has a limited window of usability.

  3. Physical Security Awareness: Although physical access is required for this attack, organizations must enforce strict access control policies to prevent unauthorized handling of security tokens. Employee education around safeguarding YubiKeys is essential, especially in high-risk environments.

Security Engineer Thoughts

  1. Monitor for Unusual Token Behavior: Security engineers should deploy monitoring systems that can detect unusual behavior or access patterns related to YubiKey-authenticated sessions. If a YubiKey is compromised, the behavior of its associated accounts may exhibit irregular activity, which can be flagged for further investigation.

  2. Ensure Firmware is Up to Date: Make sure all YubiKeys in use are updated to the latest firmware version, which addresses known vulnerabilities. Older devices should be decommissioned and replaced to reduce exposure to this and other potential risks.

  3. Educate Users on Physical Security: Although employees carry YubiKeys as part of their personal items, they must be educated on the importance of physically securing them. This includes minimizing scenarios where the key could be stolen or left unattended. Regular training sessions should remind users to report lost or stolen devices immediately to trigger key revocation and reissue.


Tropic Trooper APT Linked to Chinese Cyberespionage Targets Middle Eastern Governments

Kaspersky’s Global Research and Analysis Team (GReAT) has uncovered an ongoing cyberespionage campaign conducted by Tropic Trooper, a known Chinese state-sponsored Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) group. Also referred to as KeyBoy and Pirate Panda, Tropic Trooper has historically targeted government and critical sectors across Asia, and has now shifted focus to governmental entities in the Middle East. This campaign utilized a variant of the China Chopper web shell, leveraging vulnerable public-facing servers running the Umbraco content management system (CMS) to gain persistent access to targeted systems. Once inside, the attackers deployed sophisticated malware, stole sensitive data, and maintained long-term control over the infected systems.

The group has adapted to detection efforts by deploying new versions of their malware, using DLL search-order hijacking techniques and shifting to different payloads like Crowdoor loaders. Tropic Trooper’s new focus on the Middle East highlights a shift in their espionage activities, with potential geopolitical motives tied to Chinese interests in the region.

NoFluff's Take: A Global Game of Espionage, But the Same Old Weak Links

While this is yet another chapter in state-sponsored espionage, the glaring issue is not just about foreign adversaries but how they consistently exploit the same weaknesses: vulnerable legacy systems and weak patch management. The playbook hasn’t changed much in over a decade—compromised web shells, hijacked DLLs—but neither has the defensive posture of many organizations. Governments and critical infrastructure entities continue to rely on outdated technologies, allowing even well-known attack vectors to remain effective. The narrative needs to shift from reactive incident responses to proactive hardening of infrastructure.

CISO Takeaways

  • Review and Prioritize Legacy Systems: Tropic Trooper’s use of public CMS platforms like Umbraco emphasizes the need for a comprehensive audit of legacy systems. CISOs should prioritize updating or decommissioning outdated web applications that present vulnerabilities.

  • Implement Continuous Threat Intelligence: Engage with advanced threat intelligence services to stay ahead of sophisticated state-sponsored campaigns. Early detection of emerging tactics, like those used by Tropic Trooper, allows organizations to apply timely countermeasures.

  • Establish Strong Geopolitical Risk Management: Organizations, especially in government sectors, must assess their exposure to cyber threats linked to geopolitical motives. Strengthen security protocols, especially when operating in regions that are common targets for espionage campaigns by state actors like China.

Security Engineer Thoughts

  • Strengthen Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR): Tropic Trooper’s malware used techniques like DLL search-order hijacking, which can be caught early by advanced EDR systems. Engineers should ensure that detection capabilities include monitoring for such tactics across all systems.

  • Patch and Harden Public-Facing Applications: Regular audits and patch management for public-facing applications are crucial. Vulnerable CMS platforms, like the ones used in this campaign, are prime targets for attackers. Applying patches as soon as they are available can prevent many known attack vectors.

  • Improve Anomaly Detection for Web Servers: Engineers should implement logging and monitoring tools to detect unusual activities on public-facing servers, such as unexpected file uploads or configuration changes that could signal the installation of a web shell like China Chopper.

All views and opinions expressed therein are solely the authors’ own and do not reflect those of any employers past or present.
NoFluffSec is a Bitsavant LLC publication